FAQ About Prusa Products - MK3S - Textured Beds - & More

(Updated on October 26th, 2019)
We are receiving a big number of questions regarding products from Prusa. We decided to update you on the news we have with a permanent FAQ blog post. We will keep you up to date as we receive new information from Prusa.
Is Voxel Factory selling the Prusa MK3S?
Yes, all Prusa i3 printers kits sold in both Montreal and Vancouver will be MK3S.
Can I upgrade to MK3S if I bought my printer through Voxel Factory?
If you bought a MK3 between January 28, 2019 and February 8, 2019 at Voxel Factory → We sent you your upgrade kit and a tracking number.
If you bought before January 28 → We should receive batches for the upgrades. The quantity and ETA are unknown.
Will I have access to the textured bed vouchers if I bought my MK3 at Voxel Factory during the “eligible for a voucher date”?
We sent an email to every client that purchased a Prusa i3 MK3 printer between September 2017 and February 2018 with all the information needed to claim their discounted textured beds. Offer is valid until September 6, 2019. September 30, 2019.
If you bought a Prusa i3 MK3 during those dates and did not receive an email from us, please write us an email with the subject line : Textured bed voucher. Also, check your SPAM folder just in case.
We are now selling the textured beds at regular price on our website and in our stores.
Will you sell the MMU2S?
Yes, you check out the MMU2S on our website or in our store.
Will you sell Prusament?
We want to. We are poking Prusa every month to hook us up.
- Tags: 3D Printing FDM Prusa Research
- Nathan Orfin