FAQ About Prusa Products - MK3S - Textured Beds - & More
Frequently asked question about Prusa i3 MK3S 3D printer bought in Canada, Montreal, Vancouver. Also answer questions about Textured Beds, MMU2S and Prusament.- Nathan Orfin
- Tags: 3D Printing FDM Prusa Research

André Théberge's MK3 Building Experience
Description of a clients experience building an Original Prusa i3 MK3 DIY kit bought from Voxel Factory, a 3D printing expert and a one-stop shop in Montreal and Canada.- Nathan Orfin
- Tags: FDM 3D Printing Prusa Research

Prusa i3 MK2 to MK2.5 Vouchers Update
Update on MK2 & MK2S to MK2.5 upgrade with vouchers from Prusa Research. Valid until March 31st 2018.- Nathan Orfin
- Tags: FDM 3D Printing Prusa Research

Our First Assembly Workshop of the Brand New Original Prusa I3 MK2
Prusa Research's MK2 3D printer assembly experience by Voxel Factory and first impression after printing.- François Lahey
- Tags: FDM 3D Printing Prusa Research